
No Fun FISSIX - The Game

Games always are designed to make fun, right?
This time I wanted to break the system and design a game that is no fun!

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The main and only menu!

Playing the game with no fun physics

What really happened with this game

This started off as a ludum dare nightmare, a weekend I have worked a days worth of hours, and was left with a few hours to come up with a game idea, learn unity and make it happen.
Obviously, as I have written in a previous blog post, this attempt has failed.

But I don't like throwing food away. Or unfinished projects. So I thought for the sake of OneGameAMonth I wrap this little thing called game up into whatever you see up there.

Because I am quite busy in the holidays, eating unhealthy food and having fun with friends, and actually working (really!), I did not have enough energy to make a game that is fun to play, so here you go!

Starring Bang Bong!

The music you hear in the game is made by Bang Bong, please check them out, they're a cool electro indie band from Germany, and thanks to them my game is actually some fun. Even if it is just playing it so you could listen to the music!


Failed at Ludum Dare!

I Failed ludum dare.

Yep. It was a great chance that I'd fail, and that's what I did. I only had about 9 hours to work on the game, and I was still very tired from all the work I had to do over the weekend.
I did try hard though, trying to figure out Unity as fast as possible, to wrap up some kind of game, but I couldn't find any strength to finish this mess up:

(Controls: Arrow Keys or WASD)

At least I tried, right? It has messed up Physics, you can fall off and not win, it's a huge mess!
But I will try to still convert this into a playable game for 1GAM dezember, so that's that.

But what did I learn?

I did learn that you can come up with something quite fast with Unity. But it was not easy, coming from programming Games only with Java or Haxe to adapt a different kind of workflow like Unity has it.
But I have just finished a neat little Basics Tutorial which taught me alot already, probably enough to finish up the Game I startet with Ludum Dare.

Was it worth the hassle?

Hell yes! You know all the sayings: I'd rather try and fail, than never try! Or so they go. I enjoy the simplicity of Unity. It's a nice change to see stuff right away rather than being afraid if the compiler let's you through your code mess.
Tell you what, this experience was golden!
I have even streamed my little coding thing, and seeing even just a few people being interested and suppportive was worth the experience.

So if you plan to chicken out for any other game jam, just do it! Even if you have no idea what you are supposed to be doing, even if your skills might not be enough, just do it anyways! You will learn tons of things, be part of a supportive community, and maybe even come out of it with a game.

Unity Links

Here's a link to the Tutorial I just finished, wrapping up lots of basic things about Unity, and a good start to figure out the workflow on Unity:
(Thanks to @watacoso for the link!)
I won't show my outcome to this tutorial, because this it is literally the same thing as shown in the tutorial.

Also, here's the tutorial I've been following for the ludum dare thing. Unfortunately it did not teach me a whole things like the Roll-A-Ball-Tutorial, but it did come up with success very quickly:

Oh and by the way, Merry Christmas!

I had a splendid christmas, got some great gifts, made some great gifts (yea right), and it's just a loving atmosphere to see all the friends and family for such a holiday. Of course not everything was or is perfect, but it's still nice. And I will still be getting gifts from my best friends on saturday, so I am super looking forward to that!
I hope you all had some terrific christmas!
Next coming up: New Year! And the resolutions.


Ludum Dare and Oppression going on!

Ludum Dare, a Community that makes thousands of games within 48 hours together!
Good evening my friends!
I'd like to talk to you about my newest motivation for Game Development! It's Game Jams! And even though I am super busy and I have to work for some real moneys this weekend, I am attending the Ludum Dare 28.

Ludum Dare 28 (#LD48)

By definition, this is not a game jam, because you are not gathering with multiple people but instead make a game of your very own within 48 hours (that's why the hashtag on twitter is #ld48).
It's basically called Ludum Dare because that is quite a challenge! It's about finishing a game with only the stuff you are making yourself (and maybe Open Source stuff), and that can cause in a lack of sleep.
Unfortunately, as I've said befor, I have to work Friday night and Saturday night, so I basically just have a single day (because in my other freetime I should finish homework and all that kind of stuff).

But why?!

The LD48 is the perfect occasion to try out something new and of course to challenge yourself. You will get a topic and then you have 48 hours to figure something out: You are bound to learn cool new things!
Also I don't want to miss that opportunity to jam next to thousands of others, and also next to my comrades of my current bigger game project: Oppression.

Unity 3D

But not only that, but I want to start learning a new engine, and that is Unity3D, AND I want to make my very very first 3D game, yes, all that on a single day.
Impossible you say? Nope! Well, let's see what happens on Sunday ;)


As I have told you in my last blog post, I am now 2 weeks in a new Game Project, made with Slick2D again, and with Java. I have even done a little progress on a task assigned to me, check it out:

Don't get too excited, the only thing I've actually made myself was the textbox (that transparent rectangle), added title, text and the possibility to add a Sprite to the left, too. It's not a whole lot, but you do small steps towards a great game, right?! YEAH!
Go Dweamteam!!!


#GlobalGameJam14 and a little Oppression

I think I am back in the game!

I've just joined the Global Game Jam!
Probably the biggest Game Jam, and the perfect kind of special one because it is going to be my very first one!
It's kind of not a bad timing because my exams will start right after that week, there is no better time than that.

Oh and I've just registered for the on-site GGJ in Stuttgart. Let's hope I don't regret this decision! So this is going to be my first game jam and on site with 50 other people I've never met before. Sounds... scary?! Oh well.

Anyways, some more News! I've recently joined the awesome DWEAMTEAM with some folks I know from OneGameAMonth! The game will be called Opression and it already looks awesome. This is on a different level than the games I've made before.. with an awesome artist, a Sound Designer, and a rad Lead Programmer.
It's very exciting, with Standup Meetings and so forth!