I Failed ludum dare.
Yep. It was a great chance that I'd fail, and that's what I did. I only had about 9 hours to work on the game, and I was still very tired from all the work I had to do over the weekend.
I did try hard though, trying to figure out Unity as fast as possible, to wrap up some kind of game, but I couldn't find any strength to finish this mess up:
(Controls: Arrow Keys or WASD)
At least I tried, right? It has messed up Physics, you can fall off and not win, it's a huge mess!
But I will try to still convert this into a playable game for 1GAM dezember, so that's that.
But what did I learn?
I did learn that you can come up with something quite fast with Unity. But it was not easy, coming from programming Games only with Java or Haxe to adapt a different kind of workflow like Unity has it.
But I have just finished a neat little Basics Tutorial which taught me alot already, probably enough to finish up the Game I startet with Ludum Dare.
Was it worth the hassle?
Hell yes! You know all the sayings: I'd rather try and fail, than never try! Or so they go. I enjoy the simplicity of Unity. It's a nice change to see stuff right away rather than being afraid if the compiler let's you through your code mess.
Tell you what, this experience was golden!
I have even streamed my little coding thing, and seeing even just a few people being interested and suppportive was worth the experience.
So if you plan to chicken out for any other game jam, just do it! Even if you have no idea what you are supposed to be doing, even if your skills might not be enough, just do it anyways! You will learn tons of things, be part of a supportive community, and maybe even come out of it with a game.
Unity Links
Here's a link to the Tutorial I just finished, wrapping up lots of basic things about Unity, and a good start to figure out the workflow on Unity:
(Thanks to @watacoso for the link!)
I won't show my outcome to this tutorial, because this it is literally the same thing as shown in the tutorial.
Also, here's the tutorial I've been following for the ludum dare thing. Unfortunately it did not teach me a whole things like the Roll-A-Ball-Tutorial, but it did come up with success very quickly:
Oh and by the way, Merry Christmas!
I had a splendid christmas, got some great gifts, made some great gifts (yea right), and it's just a loving atmosphere to see all the friends and family for such a holiday. Of course not everything was or is perfect, but it's still nice. And I will still be getting gifts from my best friends on saturday, so I am super looking forward to that!
I hope you all had some terrific christmas!
Next coming up: New Year! And the resolutions.